Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i'm back (:

after long months of you poor poor people waiting for me to update, well here is it (:
*cheer* i'm backbackback.

so HI.
this couple of months has been hard for me
new school, new friends, new teachers, new rules, new attitude, new life.

mid sem exam is like a week from nowww, i'm doommed !
on the other hand, I always have dearest mummy to do some last minute revision kan ? :)
yay mummy, you know I love you !

SO, after months of whining, failure, whining and failure, this are the things that i've been up too this couple of two and a half long months .

1) I want to turn back time
2) I miss primaryy like freaking serious
3) I'm currently dying to meet puan ng. , puan haslimah, puan aminah, puan laila, puan aminah & puan nalini *sigh*
4) school ends at 3.30, how very tiring.
5) given homeworks like there's no tomorrow
6) maths teacher wear slunted blouses and I'll get distracted easily.
7) my day-dream disease are getting worse
8) waking up everyday is .. , well lets not talk about it kays :)
9) have to meet adina & diana
10) stop being a push-over
11) stop being pathetic

there, eleven to-do's. *rolls eyes*

oh how very nice, its 12.18 a.m already. i can even hear the whisper of my bed telling me to sleeep.

seeee, i'm crapping :)

much love, goodnight readers<3